About Evan

Where Did You Grow Up?

Flagstaff, Arizona

What Are Your Hobbies?

Biking, snowboarding, rafting, fishing

Favorite Wood-Working Tool?


Favorite Quote?

“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.”
-John Muir

Do You Have Any Pets?

Two Great Pyrenees mutts


"Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain and Climbing Gold podcasts

What is an Interesting Fact About You?

I am 6’3

Most Unusual/Interesting Job Prior to Horizon Decks?

Raft guide on the Gallatin River

Favorite Movie?


What Is Your Spirit Animal?


What Advice Would You Give New Hires?

Pay attention to detail and ask questions.

iPhone or Android?


Pick a Superpower…


One Thing You Cannot Live Without...

My family and friends

Describe Horizon Decks in Three Words:

Building Trex decks