About Nick

Where Did You Grow Up?

Excelsior, Minnesota

What Are Your Hobbies?

 Climbing rock and ice, hiking, camping, skiing and being outside 

Favorite Sports Team?

Vikings SKOL

Favorite Wood-Working Tool?


What is an Interesting Fact About You?

I am an Eagle Scout

Most Unusual/Interesting Job Prior to Horizon Decks?

Been a canoe guide in the boundary waters, backpacking guide in New Mexico, and a whitewater rafting guide in Glacier NP.

Favorite Movie?


What Is Your Spirit Animal?


What Advice Would You Give New Hires?

There’s always something to do.

What Are Some Overused Words/Phrases?

“No worries".”

What Did You Want to Be When Growing Up?

Bob the Builder

iPhone or Android?


Pick a Superpower…


One Thing You Cannot Live Without...


Describe Horizon Decks in Three Words:

Professional, efficient, quality